Consultancy Profile of GREFF​

Green Forest Foundation has more than a decade of experience in undertaking consultancy assignments at local, sub-national, national and international levels. Our multi-level approach combines knowledge and know-how to serve as change agents in the international development landscape of Africa and other parts of the Global South. We have keen interest in rural development and natural resource management. In this regard, GREFF seeks to

(i) initiate sustainable development actions to improve the livelihoods of local communities,

(ii) engage with local communities to address natural resource-linked conflicts,

(iii) mobilize and empower poor and vulnerable natural-resource dependent groups in rural communities and

(iv) support rural advocacy for rural and societal transformation.

We have extensive experience in the following domains: Green business planning and development, group mobilization and cooperative formation, institutional capacity diagnosis and capacity building, organizational governance, team building and conflict management, rights based approaches (RBAs) in natural resource management, baseline/situational analysis, project design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. 

To effectively serve as change agents, GREFF is fully involved in the value chain development of natural resources including agricultural products. Here we train farmers on community-based landscape restoration approaches, sustainable cropping and commodification, landscape restoration practices and market opportunities. The GREFF team is fluent in English, French and Pidgin English


Prof. Jude Kimengsi

Team Leader

Prof. Balgah Roland Azibo

Disaster and Rural Development Consultant

Ms. Kwalar Glory Bonyah


Mr. Shungzie Eugene


Mr. Robert Nyah

Consultant/Field Staff

Ms. Yvette Mekemdem Mboneng


Mr. Abdulai Assan Nkuh


Dr. Joseph Tosam Ngong


Dr. Nyong Princely Awazi

Team Member

Dr. Gwan Solange Akhere

Gender/Capacity Building ConsultantGender/Capacity Building Consultant

Dr. Gadinga Walter Forje

Team Member

Ms. Tangi Nneh Kieng


Mr. Ravenstein Awuh

Team Member

Mr. Mathias Mawo Lon


Dr Tabi Kingsley Mbi


Mr. Ngwa Kester Azibo

Data Analyst

Ms Atiekum Zipporah Enjongaya

Field Staff

Mr. Alusoh Nwune Constantine



  • 2023: Baseline study on the “Cameroon Septentrion Vert et Résilient (CaSeVe)” project in the Faro National Park, focusing on component 3 (Natural resources and territories are conserved in a more sustainable and inclusive manner). Offered by the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) and the European Union.
  • 2022: Evaluation of the EU-sponsored Ecosystems of the Forests of Central Africa (ECOFAC 6) project on ‘Ensuring a Sustainable Future for the Dja Landscape, its Populations and Biodiversity’ project. Offered by the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) and the European Union.
  • 2021 –2022: Social and Environmental Impact Studies of the Rice Value Chain Development Project (RVCDP), Cameroon. Offered by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)/Grassfield Integrated Rural Development Project (GP-IRDP).
  • 2021 –2022: Economic and Financial Analysis of the Rice Value Chain Development Project (RVCDP). Offered by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)/Grassfield Integrated Rural Development Project (GP-IRDP).
  • 2021: Situational analysis and evaluation of the state of conservation of the cultural and natural heritages of cultural and natural heritage potentials in UNESCO heritage sites and other tentative sites in Cameroon. Offered by UNESCO.
  • 2021: Situational/impact analysis on power and conviction issues around natural resources (land and forests) in the Greater South Region of Cameroon. Offered by Mensen met een Missie (The Netherlands).
  • 2021: Situational/impact analysis on power and conviction issues around natural resources (land and forests) in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. Offered by Mensen met een Missie (The Netherlands).
  • 2021: Capacity building of farmers on cooperative formation and management for crop-sectors (cassava, maize, oil palm upland rice, swamp rice, cocoa, Irish potatoes) in Four Production Basins of the North West Region. Offered by The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER) and Grassfield Participatory and Integrated Rural Development Project (GP-IRDP).
  • 2021: Capacity building (including hand-on demonstration) of farmers on crop-specific business plan development for crop-sectors (cassava, maize, oil palm upland rice, swamp rice, cocoa, Irish potatoes) in Four Production Basins of the North West Region. Offered by The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER) and Grassfield Participatory and Integrated Rural Development Project (GP-IRDP).
  • 2021: Capacity building (including hand-on demonstration) of farmers on the transformation and commodification of crops (cassava, maize, oil palm upland rice, swamp rice, cocoa, Irish potatoes) in Four Production Basins of the North West Region. Offered by The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER) and Grassfield Participatory and Integrated Rural Development Project (GP-IRDP).
  • 2021: Capacity building (including field demonstration) of farmers on the techniques in crop production (cassava, maize, oil palm upland rice, swamp rice, cocoa, Irish potatoes) for farmers in Four Production Basins of the North West Region. Offered by The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER) and Grassfield Participatory and Integrated Rural Development Project (GP-IRDP).
  • 2020-2021: Situational analysis and training needs assessment of farmers in view of phase-based capacity building interventions in value chain development. Offered by The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER) and Grassfield Participatory and Integrated Rural Development Project (GP-IRDP).
  • 2020-2021: phase-based capacity building interventions in agro-value chain development for farming groups in the North West Region. Offered by The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER) and Grassfield Participatory and Integrated Rural Development Project (GP-IRDP).
  • 2020-2021: project reporting on phase-based capacity building interventions in agro-value chain development for farming groups in the North West Region. The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER) and Grassfield Participatory and Integrated Rural Development Project (GP-IRDP).
  • 2018-2020: Participatory diagnosis of barriers to women’s participation in land decision making processes. Offered by WWF and Community Action for Development (CAD).
  • 2019-2020: Capacity building of women to identify measures to overcome barriers to their decision making, access and use over land for agriculture and other purposes. Offered by WWF and Community Action for Development (CAD).
  • 2019: Institutional capacity building of conservation cooperative formation, business planning and team building for WWF Local partners in the Campo Ma’an National Park (CMNP) of Cameroon. Offered by WWF Germany.
  • 2017-2019: Situational Analysis of Local partners and their potentials to participate in local development income generating activities in the Campo Ma’an National Park (CMNP) of Cameroon. Offered by WWF Germany.
  • 2017: Institutional capacity assessment of WWF Local partners in the Campo Ma’an National Park (CMNP) of Cameroon. Offered by WWF Germany.
  • 2017:Organizational capacity development activities (training, sensitization and advocacy) on post -harvest loss reduction for four crop sectors in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. Offered by Operation Green Space (OGS) members and partners.
  • 2016: Capacity building/training on rights based approaches to rural development, agriculture and conservation. Offered by WWF, Community Action for Development (CAD) and Food and Rural Development Foundation (FORUDEF).
  • 2016: capacity building on cooperative governance for 9 oil palm farmers cooperatives in the South West region of Cameroon. Offered by WWF Cameroon and Environmental Governance Institute (EGI).
  • 2016: capacity building on cooperative governance for 9 oil palm farmers cooperatives in the South West region of Cameroon. Offered by WWF Cameroon and Environmental Governance Institute (EGI).
  • 2015: Situational analysis of oil palm smallholder farmers and capacity building on cooperative formation in the Tiko/Bota Plains of Cameroon. Offered by WWF Cameroon and Environmental Governance Institute (EGI).
  • 2015: Situational analysis of oil palm smallholder farmers and capacity building on cooperative formation in Meme and Manyu Divisions of Cameroon. Offered by WWF Cameroon and Environmental Governance Institute (EGI).
  • 2015: Situational analysis of green business cooperatives in the Bakossi Landscape of Cameroon. Offered by WWF Cameroon and Community Action for Development (CAD).
  • 2014: Post cooperative governance training for conservation cooperatives in the Bakossi Landscape of Cameroon (under the Pan-African Institute for Development – West Africa)
  • 2013: Green Business plan development and formation of 6 conservation cooperatives in the Bakossi Landscape of Cameroon (under the Pan-African Institute for Development – West Africa)
  • 2013: Baseline Study and Green Business Planning Capacity Building for 70 community based groups in South West Cameroon (under the Pan-African Institute for Development – West Africa)
  • Consultancy on the Evaluation of the EU-sponsored Ecosystems of the Forests of Central Africa (ECOFAC 6) 6 project on ‘Ensuring a Sustainable Future for the Dja Landscape, its Populations and Biodiversity’ project. Offered by the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF).
  • Consultancy on Power, beliefs and (harmful) conviction analysis of around land and linked natural resources in the Greater South and Western Highland Region of Cameroon, offered by Mensen met een Missie (The Netherlands).
  • Consultancy on Social and Environmental evaluation studies of rural development Project (RVCDP), Cameroon. Offered by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and Grassfield Participatory Integrated Rural Development Project (GP-IRDP).
  • Consultancy on Economic and Financial evaluation of rural development Project (RVCDP), Offered by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and Grassfield Participatory Integrated Rural Development Project (GP-IRDP).
  • Consultancy on Capacity building of over 40 local groups in the Widikum, Santa/Tubah, Mbaw Mbonso and Gayama Production Basins in the North West Region of Cameroon, Offered by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and Grassfield Participatory Rural Development Project (GP-DERUDEP).
  • Consultancy on: Situational Analysis on the organizational and production capacity of over 40 farming groups in the Widikum, Santa/Tubah, Mbaw Mbonso and Gayama Production Basins in the North West Region of Cameroon, Offered by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and Grassfield Participatory Rural Development Project (GP-DREUDEP).